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Undet for Revit

Undet for Revit

Simple workflow with point clouds in Revit without loading heavy RCP files

Undet for Autodesk Revit generates raster image views from point clouds directly in Revit. Raster images are lighter than point cloud which enables new workflow working with point clouds without loading heavy RCP files.

Terra Modus


The Undet for Revit was created to provide alternatives because working with large point cloud projects in Revit is inconvenient: complex management, inadequate density, pan and zoom lagging.

With the above consideration, Undet for Revit is aimed to solve the following issues;

  • Raster images are lighter than point cloud, making it possible to work smoothly with point clouds without loading heavy RCP files. It has eliminated lagging of big point clouds all through pan and zoom.
  • Provided the option of viewing the point cloud outside of the Revit view range giving greater flexibility in controlling the level of information you see in your view. Provided the option to save raster image view with different coloring and density settings for each Revit view.
  • Improved Revit point cloud RCS / RCP visibility management with cropping function by an irregular polygon. This feature can be used for free even after Undet for Revit trial period.


Hardware/software requirements



Stereo Display




List software environment, e.g. Microstation

Autodesk Revit


Year of initial introduction


Year of last update


Source of Point Clouds

Indoor TLS, Outdoor TLS, Photogrammetric

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