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LD8 Marine GNSS Receiver

LD8 Marine GNSS Receiver

Compact and Lightweight Receiver Offers Industry-Leading GNSS Multi-Constellation Heading and Positioning Data for Dynamic Environments

The LD8 is a high-precision GNSS receiver that provides reliable and accurate positioning. The compact and lightweight receiver offers industry-leading GNSS multi-constellation heading and positioning data for dynamic environments. L-Band signals can be received on multiple channels providing access to the world-wide correction services offered by VERIPOS®.

United Kingdom


VERIPOS provides accurate and reliable positioning for all marine applications via their redundant positioning and multi-frequency Precise Point Positioning (PPP) services. With correction data available simultaneously from up to three correction satellites, the impact of satellite masking can be minimized to ensure reliable reception of correction data.

Users can connect to the receiver using the on-board WiFi to configure the receiver using the Web UI. Combine that with multiple communication interfaces, the LD8 is easy to install into oil and gas seismic exploration, hydrographic survey and offshore construction applications.

Features and Benefits

  • Supports decimeter-level multi-constellation positioning with VERIPOS Apex and Ultra PPP correction services
  • Compatible with VERIPOS Quantum software
  • EN60945 Marine Certified
  • Built-in WiFi support
  • Multi-channel L-Band allows simultaneous tracking of 3 VERIPOS correction service satellites
  • ALIGN® GNSS heading solution
  • Multiple communication interfaces for easy installation





LD8 Product Sheet.ashx?la=en&hash=2E4122AB2AF1659D16C5FF9CD9CE7B65

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