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Planet Monitoring

Planet Monitoring

Real-time satellite monitoring

With roughly 200 Dove satellites in orbit, PlanetScope Monitoring provides a high-resolution, continuous, and complete view of the world from above, every day.

San Francisco, US


With a Planet Monitoring subscription, you have easy access to the most up-to-date images of your area of interest and an expansive archive.

Planet Monitoring’s global image dataset is updated daily, and dates back to 2009. Delivered in ready-to-use formats, these images are easy to access and order through Planet’s APIs, web applications, and GIS integrations.

High Resolution - 3.7 meter resolution images in four multispectral bands: RGB and Near Infrared.

Image Library - Extensive archive of high-resolution images dating from 2009.

Global Coverage - Over 300 million square kilometers of imagery collected each day.

Access and Integration - Ready-to-use images and data, integrated simply into your existing workflow.

Learn more here.


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