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How to Meet Photogrammetric Accuracy Standards

Thu, May 25, 2023 at 10:00 AM (UTC) 1 hour
Accuracy standards are crucial in promoting consistency, reliability, and quality in the geospatial data we deliver. However, standards do, on occasion, need updating. What’s behind this in our profession are improvements in hardware and software used to acquire, capture, and process data for both surveying and mapping. Bill Johnson, Certified Photogrammetrist and Certified Mapping Scientist with DAS Geospatial will join us to discuss how these changes affect the mapping business and the deliverables we create (DEMs, orthomosaics) and how we can continue to meet these standards as they change.
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Specifically, attendees will learn:

  • What is an accuracy standard
  • How is a well-accepted standard such as ASPRS defined
  • How does new technology affect accuracy standards
  • How are mapping deliverables validated against a standard


Session 1:

10:00 AM CET / 4:00 PM CST

Session 2:

1:00 PM Eastern Time / 10:00 AM Pacific Time

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