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EvoLogics Quadroin bionic underwater robot: the next-generation

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EvoLogics, a Berlin-based provider of high-tech underwater robotics, data networks, positioning, and sensor technologies, proudly announces the launch of the next iteration of the Quadroin AUV.

Originally introduced in May 2021, the Quadroin vehicle garnered attention for its distinctive, penguin-like design. Engineered for monitoring and surveying, the fast and maneuverable Quadroin leverages EvoLogics' expertise in low-drag bionic design. Dr. Rudolf Bannasch, EvoLogics founder, delved into years of research on penguin locomotion, resulting in the AUV's remarkable hydrodynamic properties. With its low-drag shape, the Quadroin achieves speeds of up to 10 knots, minimizing energy consumption and enabling versatile deployments.

The initial series of Quadroin prototypes, developed in collaboration with Hereon for the Helmholtz Association's MOSES initiative, focuses on monitoring ocean eddies. These vehicles are equipped with sensors for collecting geo-referenced data on various physical water parameters, including temperature, pressure, oxygen, conductivity, and fluorescence, at different depth levels.

Building upon this foundation, EvoLogics has undertaken significant enhancements to the Quadroin platform, with a primary focus on expanding its instrument payload capacity and underwater A.I. computations. This evolution led to a comprehensive redesign of the vehicle's internal layout, integration of updated components, and optimization of sensor systems to accommodate a broader range of instruments while maintaining operational efficiency.

The new generation Quadroin now carries an expanded instrument payload. The side-scan sonar enables acoustic seafloor imaging. Additionally, two full-HD underwater cameras—one forward-facing at a 45-degree angle and one downward-facing—equipped with dimmable LED lights, provide a visual identification of the vehicle’s surroundings.

The newly integrated EvoLogics AI-powered object recognition module allows detecting objects in the side-scan sonar and video feeds live during the mission with processing carried out onboard the vehicle. It is also to enable automatic collision avoidance through a front-looking sonar system.

The hardware and propulsion systems were redesigned with next-generation components for optimal performance. The Quadroin now features a Nortek Nucleus1000 integrated subsea navigation package that couples Nortek’s DVL technology with additional position-aiding sensors for reliable vehicle control.

Today, team EvoLogics is happy to reveal a new video of the Quadroin vehicles in action, shot in late 2023 at the Kreidesee Lake in Hemmoor, DE.


Filmed by Submaris, Philipp Mall and EvoLogics, edited by EUNOIA VISIONS

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