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Allvision Urban Mobility Solutions

Allvision Urban Mobility Solutions

Enabling Optimization of Shared Use Spaces

Utilizing data generated from autonomous vehicles, mobile survey platforms, and satellite/aerial imagery, Allvision is able to create and maintain rich geo-spatial models of key infrastructure and environments across a variety of domains. Whether you’re looking to improve vehicle turnover in high traffic commercial zones, monitor vegetation encroachment on power lines, or service and maintain assets inventories, Allvision can help.

Allvision IO
Pittsburgh, US


Allvision is able to provide the high definition map (we collect the data using state-of-the art sensors, or the data can be provided to us) that give insights into parking utilization over a specific timeframe. For example, where signage is located and what condition is it in, how many infractions occur in specific areas in a given period of time and by whom (delivery truck, personal vehicle, motorcycle, etc.). 

We can also help determine what areas are ADA accessibility compliant and which fall short, helping to future-proof citiscapes. Prior to the era of digital data collection, signs and other assets were collected by feet-on-the-street, or people with clipboards manually noting the information. The benefit of a vehicle-based sensor approach is clear — it is fast, scalable, and can be deployed city-wide and beyond.


Data management

Spatial reference system

Geometry types






License or freeware

2D Editing



Graphic transformations

2D Construction

Positioning in relation to other element


Type of data storage

Input formats

Export formats



Change view

Thematic mapping


Web standards

Spatial database management systems

Messaging protocols




Supported operation system

Main GIS category

Data analysis



Overlay operations

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